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The Loom

Hatty abdi Hattersley tenun. Asalna dibawa ka pulo salaku teka-teki flatpacked anyar dina (kira-kira) 1940 anjeunna parantos digarap ku tilu generasi ampir 80 taun. Dijieun tina beusi tuang sareng kai, anjeunna parantos janten karya seni nyalira. The divots on leungeun sakumaha manehna geus netep kana posisi, maké dina bar ti taun leungeun weavers, cet luntur sarta deposit minyak. Sadayana ngabantosan unggal Hattersley janten unik sareng masihan aranjeunna kapribadian sorangan 

The Weaver

Ngaran abdi Miriam Hamilton jeung kuring diajar ninun di gugur 2018, diajarkeun ku nu boga saméméhna Hatty, a crofter gentleman yuswa 90. Anjeunna sapuk pikeun ngajual kuring Hatty jeung ngajar kuring ninun, jadi kuring spent loba jam dina na. leutik, katirisan loom loom héd tempat anjeunna anyaman salila 50 taun. Anjeunna kagungan warisan tenun ti bapana, anu geus meuli dirina origally ti pabrik Hattersley di Keighley, Yorkshire.


The Shed

Gudang anyaman tradisional, sapertos anu kuring diajar ninun, nyaéta blok atanapi struktur batu anu henteu aya 'nyaman' nyata sapertos insulasi, pencahayaan anu santun, pemanasan jsb. Dirancang dina dua halves; hiji boga persis jumlah katuhu kamar pikeun Hatty, winder pirn, pigura warping na bobbin nangtung sarta séjén salaku toko studio. Gudang 'posh' gaduh pandangan anu nggumunkeun di Loch, sareng seueur rohangan sareng cahaya pikeun ningali alat tenun sareng sadaya prosés anyaman. 

The Shed

Gudang anyaman tradisional, sapertos anu kuring diajar ninun, nyaéta blok atanapi struktur batu anu henteu aya 'nyaman' nyata sapertos insulasi, pencahayaan anu santun, pemanasan jsb. Dirancang dina dua halves; hiji boga persis jumlah katuhu kamar pikeun Hatty, winder pirn, pigura warping na bobbin nangtung sarta séjén salaku toko studio. Gudang 'posh' gaduh pandangan anu nggumunkeun di Loch, sareng seueur rohangan sareng cahaya pikeun ningali alat tenun sareng sadaya prosés anyaman. 


A wee video showing some of the processes involved in creating the a tweed! To actually make a tweed from start to finish takes several weeks. We have to make the warp, beam it onto the loom, tie each new thread to the corresponding one of the old warp (696 knots!), then pull the warp through the loom. It then takes around 5 days to weave a tweed depending on the complexity and length before the woven cloth has to be sent to the mainland mill for finishing. Woven cloth needs to be washed, dried, cropped and pressed (known as finishing) before it can finally be sewn!

Two Sisters Tweeds

Handwoven on my 80 year old Hattersley loom from pure new wool, sold from the quarter meter
so you can order as much or as little as you want! 

Tweed and Yarn Offcuts

Handwoven by myself or other Islanders from pure wool. These offcut bags are perfect for patchwork, quilting and small projects such as jewellery, keyrings, purses, cufflinks etc! The yarn ends are great for embroidery, stumpwork, needle felting, small looms etc limited only by your imagination!

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